Monday, March 21, 2016

Walking Tall

Walk tall. If anything that is what next Sunday is all about. It is about walking tall. Rising...arising... Easter is that for believers. Jesus the Christ rises. And, wants us to rise up also. Really. He does. What else is there than to walk talk in the wonderful awakening that each of us is somebody made by God. When down, than, arise. When depressed, shoulder back, walk talk. Easter is about rising up. It is about knowing that I am somebody. I am.

Saturday, March 5, 2016


They said their kids were the worst ever. A set of teen twins, for that matter. Out late, never observing curfews, stealing.... adviser said to them: "Put them in a boarding school!" "We can't do that. We would miss them. Moms just don't even think like that." Similarly, it would be like my husband and I entertaining the "D" word for divorce. "We don't even think that it is part of our worldview."