Saturday, October 4, 2014

Pets Prowling Through Edifices Today: The Francis Effect

At 2 pm today at the former St. Edmund Church (now St. Faustina) on Twelve Mile Road, east of Schoenherr in Warren, Michigan, furry pet friends, and more, will be prowling about the edifice, and elsewhere as a blessing of Saint Francis of Assisi, Italy has its enduring effect for pet owners.

Francis was noted for his persistent love of animals when he was told in a vision by God, it is recorded, "to rebuild my church."  At first, the "outside the box" saint who is endeared by many long after his debut in the 12th century, took the vision's message literally and started to build brick by brick allegedly.

With rampant corruption, and more, Francis was asked to bring "fresh air" to the fledgling institution.

I'll be there with my Bichon Frise, "Woofie," for some holy water and a sign of the cross to ask God's blessing upon that fury white creature who is my companion where I reside in Detroit near Jefferson and Joseph Campau, a stone's throw from a bustling and booming downtown now.  Detroit is about to be lifted from bankruptcy, the first of a major urban city.  Kevin Orr, an attorney, was hired to be Motown's Emergency Manager for over a year.

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