Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Things Learned Living Long

Laughing some each day is much like inner jogging for me.  I feel better with a deep belly laugh often.

Experience is indeed the best teacher.  Everything else is commentary, including education.

Stillness and silence some each day is misunderstood.  Never was my silence misquoted, however.

Little things matter mostly.  Days pass quickly like the blade of grass, as the psalm writer notes in the Bible. Special moments do matter more than time that swiftly passes.

A grudge is too heavy a burden for me to carry.  It only creates resentment over time.  And, in fact, is resent, from the French word's origin, until I deal with it, face it, and let it go.  Resent to sender, as the song sang similarly.  Or, was it:  Return to sender?

A pity pot is something to sit on some days of living.  To flush is key, however, when finished on the pot.

Character is all I have, and is who I really am.  One's reputation is what others perception of me is, and, only that.  Where has character gone?

Counting my blessings instead of sheep allows me to sleep sound each night.

These reminders are more important than any new information.  I savor and celebrate them often for wellness.

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