Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hope Against Darkness

It was Francis of Italy who asked God to be made an instrument of peace.

Francis was asked to "rebuild my church."  And, brick by brick, was his intention and first as he honored the Maker's request.

Morphing and mending a broken community and culture was the aim, however.

We need Francis in today's time's when the world seems divided between those who believe and those who reject God and religions.

Catholics recall and lean on the communion of saints for help in troubled times. 

This past Sunday, in conversation with Lutheran pastors and their congregations who assembled in a restaurant in Marine City, Michigan, the enthusiasm loomed large.

Serenity and peace pervaded among the interfaithful.

It felt good to be among people who looked for light amid days of darkness, perhaps doubt, even depression, for some, I imagine.

Life is like that.

Francis, a man of peace, invokes joy where there may be sadness.

Interfaith dialog is key to common strength in addressing problems pervading us.

Introducing interfaith dialogue where people gather over breakfast, after Mass, at home and school all seems to happen as people have no need of defining it as such.  They just do it! 

They're interfaithful without any fanfare and drama.

Religious people can come together not necessarily to be of one religion, but to join on their needs in prayer to help solve general problems of the day.  They can strengthen marriage and family, address quality of life issues and help all live in security and safety with effective schools.

We all can in the spirit of Francis, the saintly sultan who served to lift up life at its lowest in the trenches where people live, suffer, enjoy, die and rise.

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