Saturday, February 5, 2011

Marriage Preparation

Couples who marry these days know the value of preparation.

Both short and long-term preparation for the wedding is necessary.

Take Linda and Mike, for example. They've been preparing since childhood
observing mom and dad's love for each other. They've seen other couples

Yet, issues such as money, power, intimacy, communications, and more,
are vital areas to explore before they plunge into a lifelong commitment.

Who handles the money?

Who initiates intimacy?

Where is God in all this?

Do I adequately make my feelings known to my beloved?

Do I know the roots of my intended spouse? What about his or her relationships?

Couples have to color their feelings for one another to fully appreciate
the intensity of the feeling.

Take Linda for example, who was feeling neglected when her boyfriend
wasn't calling her from a distance while he spent weeks away from her
on the job.

She wasn't vividly describing how infuriated she would become when he
wouldn't call. She learned to color her feeling of fury RED on a scale of 1 -10.

Her mind wandered:

Was he losing interest?

Some skills in best communicating how one feels can prevent arguments and misundertandings down the road.

Marriage preparation is a lifelong process.

Relationships are hard work.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting thoughts, I agree with you that issues such as money, power, intimacy, communications, and more,
    are vital areas to explore before you plunge into a lifelong commitment. The success of your marriage life depends on how you handle them.
