Tuesday, April 9, 2013


It never fails to emerge.


People wanting to share how they connect with each other and the Maker.

You know, the One who made you, me, others, and all.

After all, then, we all matter.

And, those I may think, don't.

For sure.

People want to converse about their faith, how the word, Israel, evolved.  How we're connected as One with the ONE.

All of us.

A rabbi, and imam and a pastor, among others will meet the third Thursday of each month at 11:30 am for a hour to come to know each other, and, God, more deeply.

All who seriously pursue the Maker are welcomed to the Muslim Center of Detroit at W. Davison and Woodrow Wilson, May 23, 2012 (just happens to be 5 Thursdays in May) with Imam El-Amin Abdullah hosting and Rabbi Edut leading with a presentation to get us started on wrestling and knowing Yahweh, and, each other.

Before that, on Monday, April 29th enthusiasm soars for another event at 11:45 am at 1400 Oakman Blvd, Detroit on the campus of the renowned Focus:HOPE that emerged from the ashes of the riots of Detroit with the late William Cunningham and Eleanor Josaitis heading the distinguished organization.  Then, on  Thursday, May 30 at 11:45 am at Focus:HOPE, people will gather to lift up Detroit and this region aching for more from all of us.

People will tell how they pray and how it moves them to community action, even prophetic actions like the birth of Focus:HOPE.

Join me.

Welcome one and all faith traditions.

I appreciate the enthusiasm, Greek that means "God within",  that mounts for these events.

1 comment:

  1. Please don't let the world forget my beloved uncle, the late Fr. Jerome Fraser. He loved The Lord with all his heart and loved his neighbor (the community) only second to his love for God. He taught his family how to love on the community and showed us how to bring the love of The Lord into where we live, work and play. He loved his missionary work as a cofounder of Focus Hope and even though he was a humble man, his name should not be forgotten. Peace be with you.
