Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Gratefully, With Gratitude to God


How gracious that you bless the world and me. 

You steer it lovingly and long amid fracture, and more all around the globe.

From two loaves and a few fish, Jesus could make much to feed the crowds teeming at him daily as he walked the earth.  Always generous!


When Peter and your other intimates could not catch fish, you directed them.  And, they filled the boat with fish.

Like any of us at times, Peter was frustrated and saturated with doubt, responding to Jesus:

"Master, we worked hard all night, and caught nothing."

Protesting at first, Peter said:

"But at your bidding, I will let down the nets."

The boats were filled with fish.  Help was on the way.

Gracious God,

I thank you for favoring others and me with so much.

May I never take you for granted.


Life is full with the Lord.

It hasn't always been that way.  Especially, when I tried to run it, manage it, and more.

Now, I ask, and, I receive more than I ever imagined or asked for from you.

Thank you for Thanksgiving Day!

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