Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Human Happiness

The integration of our emotional life with reason and the subjection of our whole being to God constitutes Saint Thomas Aquinas's definition of human happiness.

While in "still time" this morning after a long walk in the pastoral setting near Metropolitan Beach off of Sixteen Mile Road and Jefferson, happiness emerged in prayer.

The Trappist Thomas Keating speaks of a fruit of the night of spirit is freedom from the domination of any emotion.

Of course, not by giving the emotion energy.

Not by repressing or unduly suppressing unwarranted emotions by sheer willpower, but by accepting and integrating them into the rational and intuitive parts of our nature, Keating
writes in his Invitation to Love.

That's human happiness.

Since life may not be working well for some these days, this integrating of emotions, and, programs that get one into a mess, and, into trouble, can be gently countered in the connection one makes with the divine therapist, namely, the Creator.

And, because God is not on some time machine or watch, this integration of emotions unfolds
ever so slowly without noticing perhaps.

We are God's work of art, created in Jesus Christ for the good works which God has already designated to make up our way of life, Saint Paul notes in his letter to the church at Ephesus, chapter 2, verse 10.

Taking time to be still a couple times a day for twenty minute sessions, doing nothing, "nada," no thing, may be just what your physician prescribes to lower the stress, or, heart rate, or anger brewing into rage and impatience, vices that do no one any good.

That false self needs to give way to the true self in the fashion the Maker molded you and I.

Google prayer, or, talk to your doctor about the healing value of pausing and praying each day.

Facts shows people who pray, heal up more readily.

You may like it.

Your living temple, the body given for some limited decdes will relish the time taken
to be still.

Prayer works.

Into your hands...I commend my soul... Charles de Foucauld recommends.

Having spent some substantial still time, the remainder of this day is welcomed
with Mass soon, with appointments in Clinton Twp., and, an, enhancing the quality of life and reducing crime meeting in the St. Clair Shores, MI., Library at 5:30 pm, and, a clergy picnic at the seminary, a K of C meeting, and, pauses in between one meeting at a time.

The abundant life of the Lord promised wants us to embrace time today, while noticing and savoring everyone and all that I encounter each second with a smile, a salute, a salutation to the sacred and soical self she or he is made in God's image.

So be it. Amen. It is true. +

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