Monday, December 3, 2012

From Hostility to Hospitality

The courtliness of Francis of Assisi, Italy tells of queens and kings.

Each person is considered to be precious as royalty.

Courtesy comes from the word, courtliness, acting as in the courts of law.

Cultural shifts find this society moving from hospitality.

An air of hostility and contentiousness pervades, it seems to me.

Go figure.

A rabbi told me once of a quote from a learned scholar and biblical commentator who was also a rabbi.  He was to have said that how we look at someone, or, something is how we perceive it.

How true.

Fresh looks matter beyond stereotypes made of people met.

From hostility to hospitality is a global shift, even enormous.

It takes presence, listening, and charity as strong as love for people.

To be really present, as a presence, like the Presence!

Imagine that.

The Advent days for believers are an adventure in hospitality.

Like that of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth in Palestine.

They were happy to visit.

With fullness of presence they were there for each other. Fully, consciously, actively enthused!

And, the baby in mother's womb leapt for joy, say the Scriptures.

With enthusiasm. A wild kind of joy, it seems.

The word, enthusiasm, means, God within! There's a vitality, an ardor, a fresh engagement.

Providing a space, even a womb, for others this season -- that could be a challenge if
the practice of hospitality is rare.

It gets easier each time one is welcomed, and paid full attention in visitations.

It's a movement from a hostile culture, at times, to hospitality, Presence, presence.

Truly a gift.  Such dignity shinng forth in conversations with family, acquaintances, and more.

A Christmas greeting, a gift.

Visits like that of Mary and Elizabeth this Advent season loom large for people, witnesses, guests, and visitors.

Guess who's coming to dinner?

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