Saturday, December 15, 2012

We're Wired for Love, Meaning, Purpose, Gratitude

The fabulous four, I call them:

1)  Love:  We're wired for love and charity.  It's in our DNA.  War is not what we're made for, yet more energy is placed in fighting, it seems, than in loving, lifting up life in charity.  We pray for peace, and pay for war, go figure!

2) Meaning:  It comes from reaches out and looking out for each other; from getting to know one another on our street, next door.

3) Purpose:  Why did God make me?  To know, love and serve God.  Without a purpose, people perish.

4) Gratitude:  A grateful heart is a hopeful and healed heart.  It is.  Really.  An attitude of gratitude is a pure prayer.  Single-minded beyond a double-mind.

The fabulous four.  They are. 

Really, for me, perhaps for you?

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