Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Positive People Are Happier, Live Longer

Grace does build upon human nature and experience.

Such favor and blessing builds even better on positive encounters.

Still more, people are happier, heal up better and live longer
when positive.

I caught a glimpse of a news clip as I smiled my way to the car from my kitchen.

Watching people grow by way of growth groups and spiritual direction, even clinical counseling is a satisfying and pleasant ministry for me.

When I was a substance abuse therapist at Sacred Heart Rehabilittion Center in Memphis, MI., aftr arriving home and going out to visit friends, they would ask:

"Are you alway so upbeat?"

"You mean the whistling?" I asked.

People notice happy people.

Now, science is showing it's true.

Grace does build on positive human nature.

After all, people may make a fast U-turn to the crowd they are flocking toward if they
sense that they appear dull, lifeless, unengaging and without vibrance and enthusiasm as
they discuss and drink a healthy non-toxic beverage.

Go figure!

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