Saturday, August 18, 2012

Our One Great Act of Fidelity

An anchor for many lives.

And, how people pray, how they view the world, others.

The centrality of the Eucharist (means, thanksgiving) comes to life in  this book by Ronald Rolheiser, a bestselling author of the tome called, The Holy Longing, about the spiritual life.

True intimacy with God is revelaed in the Eucharist and the saced scriptures.

Why people celebrate the Eucharist everyday unfolds here.

In a series of person reflections on the Eucharist, Father Rolheiser helps us to appreciate the healing and uniting power of it in the oneness of God's love.

Stretched across inter-faith traditions, here are told the aspirations of a committed Chrisitan for the unity and peace that are the first fruits and harvest of communion with God.

Our one great act of fidelity.

The best we have.


And, are, as Saint Augustine said:  "Make of your hands a throne to receive who you are - the Body of Christ."

We are.

We behave that way.

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