Monday, August 20, 2012

We Make Ourselves Real Telling the Truth

Trappist monk at Gethsemane, Kentucky, noted that before his unexpected death in Thailand in 1968, a year of so much tumult in this nation, and, the world

Is reality truth?

Is the unemployed father or mother of five reality and truth?

My parents and the seven of us children is a reality.

How each of us turned out is real and true and to be accepted, embraced, loved.

Of course.

This is reality.  Reality doesn't lie.  It is true.


A transgendered person at the Urban/Suburban Unity Picnic at the Detroit gem of Belle Isle August 5th was real in telling the story about change.

Homeless folks who enjoyed sitting with us and sharing the "pot luck" meal is real also.  And, true
that such humans exist in the USA.

Roots, relating are real.  Connecting is a truth to be told for all human who must, or else.
Living organisms change or die.

Humans accomodate situations.

They grow, give, forgive, give again, and forgive once more.

That's true also.

And a reality, no?

As Catholics celebrate the start of the second Vatican Council this October, fifty years ago, I'm conscious of the one, holy catholic and apostolic church, marks of the church.

Changing is another mark, it seems to me, at least.

Challenged to change, and change often, even morphing is required for meaning, reconciling, repenting, and renewing itself again and again, over and over each day.

Humans are like that.

"At present women are involved in nearly all spheres of life:  They ought to be permitted to play their part see to it that woman's specific and necessary participation in cultural life be acknowledged and fostered," notes Vatican II in its historic documents.

The reality is that living things change or die.



I think so.

We change everyday.

We accomodate the situation and realities of living in the trenches where life is experienced in its depths far from the heady halls of institutions that try to reason out of reality and change.

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