Sunday, March 24, 2013

Passover, Christian Holy Week

Why is this night different than all others nights?

That's the question youngsters will ask of their parent Monday as the Jewish community observes Passover.

And, Christians mark Holy Week into Thursday, a day of festive jubilation at the Eucharist.  The Triduum, the highest three holy days of the Christian calendar begin, followed by Good Friday and the Eater Vigil/Sunday.

For fifty days, the Easter season is filled with celebration after a forty-day penitential trek of intense praying, fasting and charity for billions who claim they follow Jesus.

The Reign/rule of God theology aims at the prophet Isaiah, among others, calling the faithful to live lives that free captives, help the blind see, and debut love as the lone way to overcome violence in and outside the womb and world.

All of the feelings of betrayal, denial, rejection, ridicule, of mad, sad, scared, and more, surface these days.

Grief is felt by participants at the loss of an innocent man, as bystanders claimed after Jesus was condemned as one subverting the system.

Christians will flock to their edifices this week to fully enter into the suffering, dying and rising of Jesus the Christ.

They will.

They're invited to come out opposing violent ways that are replaced with the love of God and God's reign.

Why is this day different than other days?

It is the profound and greatest story ever told of one man, of Jesus, the Lord, who goes to the cross to rise from it and save the people from their sins of missing the mark of God's reign.

It is the story of love.

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