Friday, March 8, 2013

Profiles in Courage

People surprise each other at times with courage they show.

That ability to confront uncertainty, even intimidation, or pain, danger or fear itself that freezes one into inaction, or, worse.

That's courage.

And, profiles in courage, are like that.

Full of assertiveness.

Moral courage is the ability to act rightly in the face of opposition, discouragement, or more.

In, God's Growth Group, a dozen participants explore virtues, the strengths and capacity that equip believers to live well.  Each Thursday, currently, at Saint Athanasius Church in Roseville, MI., Catholics meet at 9:30 am after Mass for an hour of study.  The documents of Vatican II, and, the Catechism of the Catholic Church are readily available for their research.

The virtue of fortitude, a cardinal (means, pivotal) virtue along with prudence, temperance and justice, means courage in some traditions, and, among some philosophers, such as Aquinas, Kierkegaard and Aristotle.

In the Second Century, Cicero, a Roman philospher and statesman, describes virtue:

"Virtue may be defined as a habit of mind in harmony with reason and the order of nature."

Aquinas says fortitude or courage is endurance, far from aggression or attack.

And, among Catholics and Anglicans, courage is listed as one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.

President John F. Kennedy challenged citizens to live lives of courage, in his Profiles in Courage.

Today is Women's International Day.

The day celebrates women of courage.

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