Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dear Valentine: For You, My Heart Has No Bottom


Your own.


The heart of those we love and cherish in life: Friends, the people of God, parishioners, and more.

Expressions of kindness, little as they may seem, build hearts, and, lead to one heart, a single global heart of peace and serenity, security and safety.

One heart at a time.

We can do this.

Hugs, helps, hints of support, smiles, and, other hearty expressions.

Although the words, Thank You, seem trite and overly used without the real feel they mean, my heart has no bottom in deepest appreciation for all the love and support I get from many people with whom I serve, work, and stoop low to lift up life with evergreen hope.

A bottomless heart.

Imagine that.

The world needs it.

Your own.


And, the infection of such love that spreads like wild fire that fuels a wind of more everywhere.

Sounds hearty to me.

A call for bottomless hearts of charity.

Join in, will you please?

Be hearty, healthy, well and wise this month, and beyond.

My heart to your own.

Linking 'em all together across the globe.

What a view!

What power of the heart, that endless, bottomless muscle making a difference.

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